Kick beats: to kick or not to kick
What is the ideal kick beat for distance swimming?
It is well known that distance swimmers use less kicks because they need to reserve energy.
6-beat kick is usually used in swim sprints. However, beyond 400m, it is suggested to use 2 beats per kick, and for very long distance the kicks become minimal.
However, it doesn’t mean you don’t have to learn kicks if you are preparing for long distance..
At the end of the day, it isn’t about focusing and learning on one style, but having as many arrows in you quiver, to efficiently use them when required.
I have divided my workout sessions to focus alternatively on upper-body and lower body sessions.
Of 3 swim sessions per week :
- 1 session, I have is on arm focus, and I’ll have more sessions using paddle, I’ll also have slow swim without any equipment and focus on hand movement.
- 1 session, I’ll have on kicks focus using kick board, intermittent with short distance of swim
- 1 session, focus on continuous swim for longer duration.

Personally, my natural rhythm is 2 kick beats, it helps me keep my body position in line and rotate it with stoke. However, off-season I’ll try to better my 6 beat kicks also.